Hello Ma’am,

Thanks for following the leading of the Father and sharing your story in real-time.

At this point in my life, most of the things you shared actually resonate with the impression that the holy spirit has placed in my heart from the book of Proverbs 3: 5-6 and also a podcast I listened to this evening by Steve Harvey. Lol

I firmly believe that God is faithful because HE is not a man that He would lie neither is the son of man…. Numbers 23:19. God has also promised that he will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on HIM because he trusts in HIM.

I pray that God gives me the grace to live my life in total dependence on HIM.

Apologies for the long text. I felt like sharing my thoughts.

I look forward to receiving more of your personal letters and conversations with God. And also your journey with God in real-time.

Have a great week ahead!

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Thank you Tutu for sharing this. It really blessed me. And no, it's not "long text" :-)

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Thank you so much for sharing this Ma'am. It's really timely.

I believe it can be quite difficult to hold to the conviction that God is good especially when things are not necessarily working out the way we expect but even in the good and bad days... I pray we keep that conviction that God is good and His goodness is not dependent on the circumstances around us per time.

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Amen! Thank you my namesake.

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